Welcome to the website of the 'Yellow Box Guru'. UK yellow box law is surprisingly complex, involving the dynamics of the movement, the physical box, enforcement and appeals legislation (which differs in London, England and Wales). Altogether there are at least 10 different pieces of legislation. Most people are familiar with the highway code which states: "You MUST NOT enter the box until your exit road or lane is clear". The contravention code on tickets says something different: "Entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited". However neither of these are actually the law. For starters you can see the highway code doesn't even mention the word "stop". And what does "when prohibited" mean? Photos on the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) make most people assume they are guilty. However it's not that simple. It's not actually an offence to stop on a box per-say, there are all manner of circumstances that need to be taken into account and all manner of reasons why it's ok to stop. Also boxes and tickets have been deemed to not comply with the law meaning thousands of people needlessly pay up. Most people do not know enough about the law to decide if they are guilty or not and if the case against them is proven.
Appeals Guide
If you've received a yellow box junction ticket, this guide explains the law and over 30 things to check if you have grounds for appeal. It is divided into 3 categories, includes detailed explanations, links to the legislation and examples of over 130 previously successful adjudicator decisions. It also includes text to help with an appeal if you believe you have valid grounds. (Please note as stated in the appeal's process page there is never any guarantee of winning an appeal and adjudicators can differ in the interpretation of the law).
Summary of Appeal Reasons
Box is illegal - Adjudicator egs
Could not see box - Adjudicator egs
due to congestion
due to dark/rain/glare
due to faded lines
due to road layout
Could not see where box ends - Adjudicator egs
due to dark/rain/glare
due to faded lines
due to road layout
Not providing video - Adjudicator egs
Inadequate video - Adjudicator egs
Inaccurate time on ticket - Adjudicator egs
Inaccurate location on ticket - Adjudicator egs
Ticket not issued in time frame
Wrong info on ticket - Adjudicator egs
Notice of rejection outside time frame
Wrong info on notice of rejection
Inadequate notice of rejection - Adjudicator egs
Other procedural impropriety - Adjudicator egs
Authority specific guidance - Adjudicator egs
Stopped for permitted reason - Adjudicator egs
Space snatchers - Adjudicator egs
Right turn exemptions - Adjudicator egs
Unexpected vehicle stop - Adjudicator egs
Duration of stop - Adjudicator egs
Length of vehicle in box - Adjudicator egs
Is the box in a permitted location?
- (Adjudicator examples)
Does it extend beyond the junction?
- (Adjudicator examples)
- (Adjudicator examples)
Has video footage been provided?
- (Adjudicator examples)
Does the video show entry and the exit sides?
- (Adjudicator examples)
Is the video clear?
- (Adjudicator examples)
- (Adjudicator examples)
Is the location on the ticket accurate?
- (Adjudicator examples)
Is the time on the ticket accurate?
- (Adjudicator examples)
- (Adjudicator examples)
Is the information on the ticket correct?
- (Adjudicator examples)
Was the notice of rejection sent in time?
- (Adjudicator examples)
Is the information on the NOR correct?
- (Adjudicator examples)
Have they replied to the points in the appeal?
- (Adjudicator examples)
- (Adjudicator examples)
Any authority specific guidance?
- (Adjudicator examples)
Did you stop due to "stationary vehicles"?
- (Adjudicator examples)
Was there space that you could have moved into?
- (Adjudicator examples)
Did a vehicle 'snatch' your space?
- (Adjudicator examples)
Does the right turn exemption apply?
- (Adjudicator examples)
Did a single vehicle ahead of you stop unexpectedly?
- (Adjudicator examples)
- (Adjudicator examples)
How long were you stopped for?
- (Adjudicator examples)
How much of your vehicle was in the box?
- (Adjudicator examples)