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27 Point Checklist for PCNs

The summary below links to 27 items to check if a ticket is valid. It draws on case law from over 130 adjudicator decisions from enforcement in London. Although it is written from the driver's point of view, it is crucial that those issuing tickets also consider the driver's view, not just their camera view, to ensure tickets are fair. Do not give someone a ticket unless you have double checked every point!

The Box

1. Is the box in a permitted location?

2. Does it extend beyond the junction?

3. Does it cover the far side of a T junction

 - (Adjudicator examples)

4. Could you see it?

5. Could you see where it ends?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

6. Could you see the exit?



7. Has video footage been provided?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

8. Does the video show entry and exit?

9. Is the video clear?

10. Does the video show the VRM?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

11. Is the location on the ticket accurate?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

12. Is the time on the ticket accurate?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

13. Was the ticket sent in time?

14. Is the info on the ticket correct?

15. Is the information on the NOR correct?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

16. Was the notice of rejection sent in time?

17. Have the points in your appeal replied to?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

18. Any other procedural errors?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

19. Any authority specific guidance that conflicts with the ticket?

  - (Adjudicator examples)

The Stop

20. Did you stop due to "stationary vehicles"?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

21. Was there space you could've moved into?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

22. Did a vehicle 'snatch' your space?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

23. Does the right turn exemption apply?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

24. Did a single vehicle ahead of you stop unexpectedly?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

25. Were you actually stopped?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

26. How long were you stopped for?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

27. How much of your vehicle was in the box?

 - (Adjudicator examples)

Yellow box junction illegal
Yellow box guru
Yellow box junction
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